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Tricky Trunks

Are you up for some monkey business? Claw your way along the giant inflatable trunks while the foam river underneath you does its best to tip you off! Teams go up against each other in a rolling relay: the winners are the cheeky champs who get the most successful finishes!

As if the rolling log and the foam weren't enough to put you off your stride, you'll have to squeeze under the blow-up arches if you want to complete the course in time. Your team mates will need plenty of encouragement to get back up on the logs if they roll off, so make sure everyone's up for a lot of shouting and yelling!

The Tricky Trunks course looks deceptively simple. The logs sit on an inflatable mattress, under a tunnel made of overhanging beams. You'll have to get down low to squeeze past them, and that means putting all of your weight on the log. The more you press down, the quicker it rolls!

So what's it to be - speed or caution? Teams that throw everything at the Tricky Trunks could find themselves in the foam. Hold back too long, though, and you might never catch up with the opposition!

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Tricky Trunks
Tricky Trunks
Tricky Trunks
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